What platform do we develop for? What IDE do we use?

This class uses the SAMW25 Module. The SAMW25 is a device that combines an Cortex M0+ microcontroller (SAMD21), a Wi-Fi controller (WINC1500), and a security IC (ATECC508). You can learn more about it here. The code we develop will “live” on the Samd21 device.

For developing on this device, we use Microchip Studio (formerly Atmel Studio) as our IDE. Microchip Studio is an IDE that allows us to write code, compile it, and debug it in the hardware in a single program. You can learn more about it here.

There are many IDEs or methods to develop embedded systems (Keil, IAR, or GCC with your text editor of choice). For simplicity we decide to use Microchip Studio as our IDE. However, it is common to sometimes prefer another program for writing the code – in this case, we recommend Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/)